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William T. Riker

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Riker, William T. ( Jonathan Frakes) Executive officer of the StarShip Enterprise-D and Enterprise-E under command of Jean-Juc Picard. StarFleet serial number SC 231-457.
William Thomas Riker was born in Vildez, Alaska, On earth in 2335. Rikers Mother died when he was only two years old,and he was raised by his father, Kyle Riker.The elder Riker aboandoned his son at the age of 15, an act that william held agenst his father untill 2365 when, at the age of 30 was reuntied with Kyle aboard the Enterprise D. William Graduated the Adcadamy in the year of 2357 and was raked eighth in his class.
Rikers first mission was after the Adcadamy and was a helm officer abourd the USS Pegasus, a ship that dissapered in 2358 under mysterios circumstances.
Riker join the Enterprise D at planet Deneb IV.

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